Just a reminder that there are still a few spaces left for the below ADAA away day at one of Scotland’s Premier Rainbow Trout Fisheries, get in touch with Paul Toseland to book your place.

*********Special Competition Event***********

The ADAA have partnered up with the Ardo House Hotel & Spa in an Away Day Competition at the Lake of Menteith on Saturday 27th July 2024, all day event.

The Competition for the Ardo House Hotel & Spa Trophy will be Fly Only Catch & Release fished from a boat on one of Scotland top competition venues.

There are 10 boats booked for the event with 20 places available. 2 anglers per boat.

The event is free, with a £10 contribution from each angler towards fuel cost for a car share.

There are some fantastic prizes up for grabs;

– An overnight stay for 2 with dinner and a bottle of wine,
– Dinner for 2 and a bottle of wine
– Dinner for 2

If you fancy this, email your name and contact details to the ADAA Secretary at secretary@adaasales.co.uk
There will be a draw for places if the event is oversubscribed.

ADAA Competition Sub Committee