Junior Fun Day Competition

Junior Fun Day Competition

The Aberdeen & District Angling Association will hold a Junior Fun Day Competition on Sunday 15th September 2024 on its Stillwater Fishery at Millpond Newmachar.

The days itself is supported and sponsored by the Ardo House Hotel & Spa to which the committee and members and entirely grateful. The Ardo House Hotel & Spa will again provide all the catering facilities and prizes for the day’s events. There will be a BBQ, soft drinks and cakes and lots of other little side bars.

The day will be limited to 20 juniors, so first come, first serve, don’t hang about, get your name into the ADAA secretary ASAP at secretery@adaasales.co.uk

There will be loads of prizes up for Grabs, gift vouchers, Fishing Tackle and some surprise lots.

The day will start at 11.00am, so please show up from 10.00am to register and for parents to sign off some paperwork. There will be lots of volunteers on hand to help out.

*Please Note* Please dress according to the weather, but welly boots as a minimum, sunglasses are a must