Given the ongoing Covid-19 situation and the uncertainty over what restrictions may still be in place at the beginning of next year, the Management Committee have taken the decision that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) can not now be held on the planned date of Wednesday 20th January 2021.
It would be impossible, whatever rules were to be in force at that time, to guarantee the safety of Association members at such a gathering. This is an unprecedented situation, but It is hoped that an AGM may be held later in the spring if, and when, restrictions are eased sufficiently to allow it to take place. Members should check the Association’s website for any updates.
A Newsletter, Presidential Remarks, Annual Accounts, and so on, is now posted on the website: AGM-2021 (postponed) | adaa-2014 and will be distributed by email and hardcopy (for those members without email addresses) prior to 20 January.
There will be no increase in subscriptions and renewals can commence immediately after 20 January (those paying by Direct Debit do not need to do anything) on-line and at Somers.
You can submit questions via email to Management Committee members via email at up to two weeks after the scheduled AGM date (20 January). You must include your name and membership number.