Aberdeen and District Anglers Association Group Facebook page

As many of you will be aware from reading the AGM Newsletter, the Association is moving on to a new communication system for our members.

As such, I am now pleased to announce the launch of the Aberdeen and District Anglers Association Group Facebook page.

This new site is open to all members and further information together on how to access the group can be found on our website. It is a fresh new venture for the Association and I am sure members will take full advantage of it and engage more with each other. So, let’s hear about your days fishing, use it as a platform to inform members on related topics, and to share your views, news, and opinions. I for one will most certainly be taking full advantage of this facility, I hope you do too!

Paul Adderton, Acting President, Aberdeen and District Angling Association


To apply follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/adaagroup

When you click on the button to request to join, you will be prompted to agree to the rules of the group, and to enter your membership number. To qualify to join, you must have paid your membership fees for this coming season (or have a direct debit set up). This is simply to keep the group exclusively for current members, and to avoid any spam/sales accounts from attempting to join.

A few members have already pointed out that with this being a closed group for current members only – it keeps any new potential members from joining. This will be addressed in that there will be a post visible to non-members, that will inform them of the exclusivity of the group, and that should they have any questions before joining the Association, they should be directed to via message to the ADAA facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/AberdeenAngling), or emailed to the secretary at: secretary@adaasales.co.uk .

As a reminder, the group is to be used as a place for members to socialise. It is not a place to direct questions or express opinions regarding the Association’s business to Management Committee members. As per the Constitution complaints or questions for the Association/Management Committee members should be emailed directly to the Secretary, at secretary@adaasales.co.uk